33 | Winner-take-all circuits exhibit key hallmarks of binocular rivalry S Marx, G Gruenhage, D Walper, U Rutishauser, W Einhauser |
34 | Fronto-parietal cortex mediates perceptual transitions in bistable perception V Weilnhammer, K Ludwig, G Hesselmann, P Sterzer |
35 | Quantitative characterization of energy landscapes in motion binding M Mattia, G Aguilar, A Pastukhov, J Braun |
36 | Collective dynamics of cortical columns and the distribution of dominance periods R Cao, A Pastukhov, J Braun, M Mattia |
37 | Short-term Perceptual Stabilization in a Bistable Visual Illusion N Kloosterman, T Donner |
38 | Characteristics of bistable perception of images with monocular depth cues D Podvigina |
39 | Pulfrich Phenomenon and perceived number of reversals of rotation directions with stereoscopic rotary grid cube A Unkelbach |
40 | The of role of synaptic depression and spike adaptation in perceptual memory of ambiguous visual stimulus sequences R J van Wezel, C Klink, W Woldman, M te Winkel, S van Gils, H Meijer |
41 | Genetic differences in dopaminergic neurotransmission link perceptual inference with delusion-proneness K Schmack, H Rössler, M Sekutowicz, E Brandl, D Müller, P Sterzer |
42 | Does punishment influence conscious visual perception? A study of binocular rivalry using operant conditioning J van Slooten, G Wilbertz, P Sterzer |
43 | Unconscious binding between visible and invisible stimuli reveals dissociation between attention and consciousness S-Y Lin, S-L Yeh |
44 | Simultaneous activity in V1 and IPS is critical for conscious but not unconscious visual perception M Koivisto, M Lähteenmäki, V Kaasinen, H Railo |
45 | Interpreting the temporal dynamics of perceptual rivalries R Gallagher, H Haggerty, D H Arnold |
46 | Looking at the smile without seeing the face - unconscious emotion processing M Sekutowicz, M Rothkirch, P Sterzer |