Talks (T20): Emotion

Thursday 29 August 2013, 14:00-15:30, Focke-Wulf (Chair: Galina Paramei)

14:00 Automatic influence of irrelevant affect on confidence judgments
A Chetverikov
14:15 How does self-relevance impact perceptual decision-making about uncertain emotional expressions? Diffusion modeling applied to experimental data
M El Zein, V Wyart, J Grèzes
14:30 Integration of kinematic components in the perception of emotional facial expressions
C Curio, E Chiovetto, M A Giese
14:45 Enhanced visual detection in trait anxiety under perceptual load
N Berggren, T Blonievsky, N Derakshan
15:00 Primes and targets of different strengths in animal phobia: A generalized accumulator model
T Schmidt, A Haberkamp
15:15 The experience of beauty of living beings and artificial objects
S Markovic, I Sole

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