Poster (P11): 3D Vision, Depth & Stereo

Tuesday 27 August 2013, 11:00-12:30 & 14:00-15:30, Foyer & Salons

76 Shape constancy from binocular disparity with self-motion in depth
H Shigemasu, K Okubo, P Yan
77 Velocity tunings of binocular disparity channels for very large depth
M Sato, S Sunaga
78 Visual-motor reaction to 3D motion: binocular parallax VS motion parallax
O Levashov
79 Stereoscopic fusion with gaze-contingent blur
G Maiello, M Chessa, F Solari, P Bex
80 Impact of absolute disparities on motion in depth perception in stereoscopic displays
Y Fattakhova, P Neveu, K Li, J-L de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye
81 A New Evolution of ‘X’ from Motion
M Idesawa, X Cheng
82 Depth perception in peripheral vision
M Arai
83 The dependence of 'Change Blindness' on depth of visual objects positioning
O Mikhaylova, A Gusev, D Zakharkin
84 Higher-resolution image enhances subjective depth sensation in natural scenes
K Komine, Y Tsushima, N Hiruma
85 Countershading camouflage: using light for concealing 3D information
O Penacchio, P G Lovell, G Ruxton, I Cuthill, J M Harris
86 Characterising the ‘zone of good stereoscopic depth perception’ in 3d stereo displays
L Ryan, S J Watt
87 3D Surface configuration effect in Glass Pattern perception
P-Y Chen, C-C Chen
88 Surface slant can be perceived from orientation disparities
P B Hibbard, K C Scott-Brown
89 Environment maps and the perception of shape from mirror reflections
M Langer, A Faisman
90 Disparity statistics inform the perception of material for glossy objects
A Muryy, A Welchman, R Fleming
91 Anisotropy of texture gradient as depth cue
A Higashiyama, T Yamazaki
92 Depth cue priors are modulated by stereoacuity
D Smith, H Allen, D Ropar
93 Fast switching of cue integration weights
O Watanabe, M Matsuda, R Tamura
94 Computational model of neuronal system for local and global stereo vision
D Matuzevicius, H Vaitkevicius
95 A Bayesian approach to half-occlusions
M Zannoli, M Banks
96 View Point Tricks for Visual Distortion of Photographs
K Sugihara
97 Binocular LITE
K Brecher

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