09:00 | Retinotopy of the cortical lesion projection zone in macular degeneration F Cornelissen, K Haak, A B Morland |
09:15 | Reduction of frontal white matter volume in patients with age-related macular degeneration D Prins, A T Hernowo, H A Baseler, T Plank, A D Gouws, J M Hooymans, A B Morland, M W Greenlee, F Cornelissen |
09:30 | A role of the human thalamus in predicting the perceptual consequences of eye movements F Ostendorf, D Liebermann, C Ploner |
09:45 | Home-based training for individuals with homonymous visual field defects L Aimola, A Lane, D T Smith, G Kerkhoff, G Ford, T Schenk |
10:00 | The neuropsychology of Gestalts, from case studies to screening tests: patient DF, and the Leuven Perceptual Organization Screening Test L De-Wit, K Vancleef, K Torfs, J Kubilius, H P Op de Beeck, J Wagemans |
10:15 | Dissociation between size constancy for perception and action in a patient with bilateral occipital lesions I Sperandio, R Whitwell, P A Chouinard, M A Goodale |
10:30 | Visual masking deficits in healthy and schizophrenic women A Brand, E Chkonia, M Roinishvili, M Herzog |
10:45 | State of the Freiburg Visual Acuity Test – Dangers and Possibilities M Bach, A Daub |